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काठमाडौं: १४:४६ | Colorodo: 03:01

PRESS RELEASE: “Blood Donation is Life Donation”

बिआरटीनेपाल २०७३ चैत १८ गते ७:४४ मा प्रकाशित

93-Social Heroes Donated Blood Saving 279 Lives in Six States of NASeA region

Respected Nepali Community members and well wishers in NASeA region and beyond,
Respected Editors, Online/TV/Print Media in USA and around the globe,
Greetings from NASeA-BDA!

On behalf of Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA) Health and Welfare Committee Chair Satish Gupta, together with Blood Donors of America (BDA) President Dr. Nanda Regmi, I take this pleasure to share with you all that NASeA successfully marked her 25 Years of Community services by organizing synchronized Blood Drive in six states of NASeA region last Saturday, March 25, 2017.  

Please join us in saluting all 93 Social Heroes from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee for generously donating blood during this historical day and being part of this great humanitarian task of saving 279 lives. Please find a brief blood drive report below:

Alabama: 5-Social Heroes donated blood in 15 Hughes Road, AL
Madhav Mainali, Santosh Pokhrel, Chrystal W, Kristin P, Cleveland L

Special thanks to host organization Nepalese Association in North Alabama (NANA) President Sita Mainali, and BDA State coordinator Madhav Mainali and well wishers for making this NASeA-BDA-NANA event in Alabama a success.

Florida: 12-Social Heroes donated blood in West Palm Beach, FL
Jaya Satyal, Dr. Amar Karki, Gopesh Maskey, Kiran Dev Pandel, Krishna Shrestha, Rishi Gautam, Dinesh Khatiwada, Srijana Nepal, Kari Boulder, Doyete Paul, Carlos Lovato, Bimal Nepal

Special thanks to host organization Nepalese Association of Florida (NAF) President Ram Sharan Thapa and BDA State Coordinator Dr. Choodamani Khanal and well wishers for making NASeA-BDA-NAF event in Florida a success.

Georgia: 26-Social Heroes donated blood in Marietta, GA
Nabin Regmi, Sagar Rijal, Arjun Sharma, Shailendra Bajracharaya, Surya Lamsal, Khadga Khadka, Raju Thapa, Deepak Pahari, Bikal Sharma, Kamal Thapa, Kapil Wagley, Krishna Devkota, Parash Kunwar, Saroj Nepal, Pashupati Neupane, Roshan KC, CK Parajuli, Tapobal Dhakal, Pranaya Lama, Karan Kunwar, Dinju Shrestha, Sujit Pun, Bikash Chhetri, Sanjay Dhakal, Sujan Basnet and Bhabindra Basnet.

Special thanks to host organization Nepalese Association of Georgia (NAG) President Damu Dongol and BDA State coordinator Bhabindra Basnet and well wishers for making this NASeA-BDA-NAG event in Georgia a success.

North Carolina: 26-Social Heroes donated blood in High point, NC.
Dr. Narayan Khadka, Roshan Shrestha, Bandana Khadka , 23 individuals did not want to publish their names.

Special thanks to host organization Triad Nepalese Community Center (TNCC) President Dr. Narayan Khadka, BDA Joint Treasurer Bandana Khadka and well wishers for making this NASeA-BDA-TNCC event in North Carolina a success.

South Carolina: 11-Social Heroes donated blood in , Mauldin, SC.
Shashank Gupta, Basudev Parajuli, Dilli Bhatta, Ofisher Hartsoe, Michelle Burke, Gary Hensley, Mary Koenemanh, Ksinges, Satish Gupta & 2 individuals did not want to publish their names.

Special thanks to host organization South Carolina Association of Nepalese (SCAN) President/BDA State Coordinator and NASeA Health and Welfare Committee Chair/EC member Satish Gupta and well wishers for making this NASeA-BDA-SCAN event in South Carolina a success. Furthermore, BDA EVP and Blood Donors Hero Ajaya Satyal graciously observed this event as a chief guest in SC.

Tennessee: 12-Social Heroes donated blood in University of Tennessee, TN
Puskar Chapagain, Bishwa Pokharel, Girish Upreti, Som Shrestha, Joshua Crum, Mary Reynolds, Kristen Brown, Caitlin Harpell, Justin, 3 Individuals did not want to publish their names.

Special thanks to BDA State Coordinator of TN Binod Chapagain together with University of Tennessee Nepali Student Association (UTNSA) President Suresh Poudel and UTNSA Faculty Adviser Hem Bhandari and well wishers for making NASeA-BDA-UTNSA event in Tennessee a success.

Finally, we would like to extend special gratitude to all our partner organizations i.e. State/Student organizations Presidents, community leaders together with Blood Donors America State Coordinators, all our community members and well-wishers for their full cooperation in supporting us making this historical Blood Drive marking NASeA Silver Jubilee a grand success!

Count on us, NASeA and BDA will continue its partnership to organize multiple Blood drive events in this region and together we will work towards saving the precious life to fulfill this great humanitarian task. We will always reinforce our commitment in best serving our community here in NASeA region and beyond.

Once again I salute you all!

Always for the Nepali American Community and Friends of Nepal!

With Respect,
Satish Chandra Gupta,
Chair, Health and Welfare Committee, NASeA

Nanda Regmi, DVM, PhD
President and Officers Blood Donors of America (BDA)

Bimal Nepal
President and Officers Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA)


सम्बन्धित सामग्रीहरू